6.5 x52 6.5×52 Ammo for sale,remington umc 9mm 250 pack, 6.5×52 carcano rifle
6.5 x52 6.5 Carcano load is appropriate in rifles, however not in all carbines. When shot from rifle-length barrels (30″) this heap is a joy to shoot because of its unobtrusive backlash.
When terminated from carbines, this shot MAY not settle causing keyholing inside 30 yards.
There’s something intrinsically enchanting about exemplary rounds long-obscured by present day improvements in ammo, for example, .30/40 Krag, .250/3000 Savage, 6.5×55 Swedish Mauser and, surprisingly, the .300 Savage — the last option of which was once pronounced on paper to be a type deserving of just the garbage dump.
Tracing all the way back to 1891, the 6.5×52 Carcano is one more such cartridge, and one that has piled up a considerable measure of verifiable importance over the most recent 129 years.

- 6.5 x52 in stock
- 6.5×52 upgrade
- 6.5×52 ammo Image Description
- 6.5×52 carcano ammo Accessories
- 6.5×52 carcano rifle Vedeo Description
- 6.5 52 specification
Cartridge History
A rimless, bottle-necked round, the 6.5×52 Carcano was created for Italian infantry loaded in the M-91 rifle. Regularly stacked with a 162-gr. round nose shot, it was the main 6.5mm projectile in military help, however the slug breadth estimated nearer to 6.7mm. In any case, it’s initial aluminum nose generally expected made the shot tumble upon influence.

The 6.5x52mm Carcano (6.5×52 Italian)
The 6.5x52mm Mannlicher-Carcano is a charming looking bottleneck cartridge of unassuming limit. It has a rimless case with a .449″ head measurement. The case is 2.06″ long with a 24-degree shoulder. Shot size is standard 6.5mm (.264″). The cartridge generally speaking length is approximatley 2.90″. These aspects are dependent upon variety.
For the shooter with a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle with everything looking great, plant stacked 6.5×52 ammo and metal is accessible from Norma. Norma metal purposes standard enormous rifle Boxer groundworks, and is fantastic for reloading.
The Norma processing plant load for the 6.5×52 is stacked with a 156 grain Alaska shot at a gag speed (MV) of 2428 fps and gag energy of 2043 ft. lbs. At 200 yards the figures are 1926 fps and 1286 ft. lbs.
6.5 x52 6.5×52 carcano rifle Vedeo Description
6.5×52 upgrade
The “Best” method for doing that is to sell the 6.5×52 and purchase a 7.62×39 rifle.
Permit me to make sense of how you will have to treat “convert” such a rifle.
In the first place, and least demanding, amusingly… . is the barrel. You will require another one. You should have a barrel clear molded outwardly to accommodate your stock, strung to accommodate your activity, chambered for 7.62.x39, and presently the REAL work starts.
Next you will have to change the bolt face, extractor, and conceivably ejector (however I think the ejector on the Carcano rifle is like the mauser, being fixed on the bolt stop, and riding in a space in the bolt).
You’ll have to ensure the bolt face is appropriately estimated for the 7.62×39’s edge, ensure the extractor appropriately holds the new edge aspects, and will dependably separate.
Then, about the time you’re tweaking the extractor to fit the cartridge, you tackle making the rifle’s magazine fit, feed, and capability with a cartridge that is; Smaller in measurement than the 6.5 (going from memory here, it’s not MUCH more modest as I review), has a MUCH more articulated body tighten and is about HALF as lengthy a cartridge.
You know how an AK’s magazine bends significantly more than, say, and M-14 or M-16 magazine? That is a result of the 7.62×39’s body tighten. You will have to work (without any preparation) a magazine box that will hold and give taking care of strain to, your short, fat, minimal 7.62 cartridges.
You will have to either get the current feed rails of the Carcano to take care of, or fabricate new ones to suit, so the bolt can get a cartridge, the bolt can take it from the magazine, and afterward push it forward while the extractor caputures it, and the bolt habitats it in the chamber and locks home.
Best of luck with that. No, truly, Good karma with that. I’ve needed to attempt to get a P-1917 Enfield activity to take care of .300 Win Mag. That was a maggot of a task (I actually have that fucking rifle… About one out of 10 adjusts STILL doesn’t take care of, and I’ve been fucking with it for quite a long time)… and know what? That is CHILDS PLAY contrasted with getting 7.62×39 to take care of in a Carcano.
There are little comforts I haven’t even referenced like ensuring the region of the bolt drags are adequate for the bolt pushed of the 7.62×39 (which is unique in relation to the chamber pressure), ensuring the terminating pin bulge is right, ensuring the headspace is right (that is actually essential for the chambering position, however you run into a chicken-or-egg when you’re likewise changing the bolt face)… And about six other “minor” errands.
Don’t bother the Old Soldier, and purchase a 7.62×39 rifle. You will spend two times what you would on a reason fabricated 7.62 rifle as you’re going to simply on the turned barrel clear and a loading reamer…
To do it since you need to fiddle, I comprehend… But consistently recollect what you will wind up with when you’re finished; a rifle nobody yet you will need. In the event that you’re OK with that, take yourself out. Be that as it may, understand what measure of work this will be!
6.5×52 ammo Image Description

6.5 carcano ammo
6.5 52 specification
Range (yds) | Velocity (fps) | Energy (ft-lbs) | Trajectory (in) |
– | 1,770 | 1,113 | (1.5) |
50 | 1,645 | 961 | 0.9 |
100 | 1,528 | 830 | – |
150 | 1,420 | 716 | (4.6) |
200 | 1,321 | 620 | (13.5) |
250 | 1,233 | 540 | (27.4) |
300 | 1,158 | 477 | (47.0) |
Related questions
What round is better, 6.5 x52, 5.45×39 or 7.62×39?
In a military setting, the 5.45×39 because:
- Its a lot lighter round, and that implies you can convey a greater amount of it (about two times more)
- It has a lot compliment direction
- In full metal coat structure (what militaries are permitted to utilize), its really intended to yaw before while affecting tissue, permitting it to punch way over its miniscule slug weight.
There is a motivation behind why the Soviets transformed from the 7.62 to the 5.45. The main benefit the 7.62 has is boundary infiltration.
For a regular citizen in the USA, HOWEVER, the 7.62x39mm is wayyy better:
- Ammo is far more accessible and less expensive. There are really homegrown makers of 7.62x39mm ammunition.
- Accessible ammo assortment is a lot more noteworthy. Finding any 5.45x39mm ammunition that is not mil-spec FMJ is remarkably difficult. You can track down a lot of 7.62x39mm softpoints, which are considerably more for compelling, and permit you to transform it into a respectable (and lawful) deer or pig hunting rifle.
- The quality control of the 5.45x39mm ammunition that is accessible is frequently sketchy. Fine for plinking, yet assuming that you intend to take your rifle to 2-weapon or 3-firearm rivalries that may be a responsibility. Then again quality 7.62x39mm ammunition is generally accessible, in the event that you will pay for it.
As a regular citizen shooter, on the off chance that you need an AK in a type that is lighter drawing back and compliment shooting than the 7.62x39mm, get one in 5.56 NATO. There are a lot of value suppliers out there, and you get all the advantage of the 5.45 with none of the disadvantages.
In a military setting, the 5.45×39 because:
- Its a lot lighter round, and that implies you can convey a greater amount of it (about two times more)
- It has a lot compliment direction
- In full metal coat structure (what militaries are permitted to utilize), its really intended to yaw before while affecting tissue, permitting it to punch way over its miniscule shot weight.
There is a justification for why the Soviets transformed from the 7.62 to the 5.45. The main benefit the 7.62 has is hindrance entrance.
For a non military personnel in the USA, HOWEVER, the 7.62x39mm is wayyy better:
- Ammo is far more accessible and less expensive. There are really homegrown makers of 7.62x39mm ammunition.
- Accessible ammo assortment is a lot more noteworthy. Finding any 5.45x39mm ammunition that is not mil-spec FMJ is remarkably difficult. You can track down a lot of 7.62x39mm softpoints, which are significantly more for compelling, and permit you to transform it into a fair (and lawful) deer or pig hunting rifle.
- The quality control of the 5.45x39mm ammunition that is accessible is frequently sketchy. Fine for plinking, yet in the event that you intend to take your rifle to 2-weapon or 3-firearm contests that may be an obligation.
- Then again quality 7.62x39mm ammunition is typically accessible, assuming that you will pay for it.
As a regular citizen shooter, assuming you need an AK in a type that is lighter withdrawing and compliment shooting than the 7.62x39mm, get one in 5.56 NATO. There are a lot of value suppliers out there, and you get all the advantage of the 5.45 with none of the drawbacks.
Does the change of caliber from 7.62×39 to 5.45×39 have any impact on the AK-74’s gas system in respects to reliability and carbon build up?
- The AK-74 is certainly not a changed AK-47. It was another rifle intended to shoot the 5.45x39mm round utilizing the Kalashnikov plan and arrangement of activity. The comparability of appearance is deceiving.
- The 5.45x39mm has a higher working tension than the 7.62x39mm, 380.0mPa (55,114psi) versus 310.3mPa (45,010psi).
- The AK-74 gas framework is explicitly intended for solid working with the 5.45x39mm very much like the gas arrangement of some other weapon/cartridge mix. The higher working tension of the 5.45x39mm means you want to ‘tap-off’ a more modest amount of gas, less gas rises to less fouling.
- Moreover, the gas framework is, to some extent, automatic. As the gas port fouls so do the vents in the cylinder gathering meaning less gas might get to the cylinder yet less gas escapes so working is just progressively affected.
Ww1 era 1918 Terni
I have been wanting to add a ww1 era 1891 long rifle to my collection of carcano carbines for some time. The rifle I recieved definitely filled the spot being a 1918 Terri some of the finish worn but fine with me I had rather have it original than rearsenaled the stock cleaned up great after lots of elbow grease an getting oil back in it. the wood grain really popped as there is some tiger striping on the front of the stock that definitely couldn’t be seen b4 cleaning. Barrel was extremely dirty as well an has definite ware to the rifling upon inspecting target after a 6 shot test fire none of the bullets tumbled which is awesome shot to point of aim with a spread of a foot an a half. I’m not looking to shoot it all the time but I am overall very happy with the rifle I added to my collection still be shootable an in the overall condition for the rifles age. Thanks for the opportunity.